
About Claudia Martorell, MD, MPH, FACP

Board Certified Internal Medicine & Board Certified Infectious Disease in Springfield, MA

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Claudia Martorell, MD, MPH, FACP, is a Board Certified Infectious Disease Physician, Clinical Investigator, and Researcher at HealthyClinic.me, a premier medical practice specializing in infectious diseases.

Dr. Martorell sees people ages 18 and older at the office in Springfield, Massachusetts. She also presently serves as the Director and Principal Investigator of The Research Institute in Springfield.

Dr. Martorell received medical training at The University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine in San Juan. She completed her Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Fellowship at Baystate Medical Center, Western Campus of Tufts University in Western Massachusetts.

She has a Master of Public Health with a Concentration in Health Care Management from Harvard University School of Public Health (Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health). She also completed a Fellowship in Health Policy and Minority Health Policy from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts.

Dr. Martorell quickly became nationally recognized for her leadership role in HIV and HCV research and clinical treatment in minority populations, her compassionate medical care, and for her long-standing commitment to serving the underserved in the medical and public health field. 

She has published articles on HIV, HCV, and Health Care Disparities in major journals. Dr. Martorell is also a National trainer on HIV and Hepatitis C for physicians and other healthcare professionals.

In addition, Dr. Martorell has received multiple awards, including the 2007 Severo Ochoa Award for outstanding contribution to eradicating HIV/AIDS in the minority community, and is also the recipient of the 2004 American Medical Association Foundation Excellence in Medicine Award.

She warmly welcomes all patients into HealthyClinic.me and looks forward to caring for them.