


AIDS services offered in Springfield, MA

While acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) has no cure, you can improve your health. Many people prolong their lives with early treatment from the experienced infectious disease specialists at HealthyClinic.me in Springfield, Massachusetts. They create an integrative care plan that targets the specific infections or diseases you develop, while aggressively reducing the effect of HIV on your immune system. Call the office today or request an appointment online to receive individualized therapy for AIDS.


What is AIDS?

AIDS is a chronic disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV destroys disease-fighting immune cells called CD4 T lymphocytes, or more simply, CD4.

Early treatment can put HIV in remission and prevent progressive damage. But without treatment, HIV gradually reaches an advanced stage that severely weakens your immune system. That’s when AIDS develops.

When is AIDS diagnosed?

AIDS is diagnosed when CD4 levels fall below a certain level. You’re also diagnosed with AIDS when you start developing opportunistic infections, regardless of your CD4 levels.

Opportunistic infections occur when your immune system is too weak to fight germs that normally wouldn’t make you sick. These infections can begin before your CD4 count drops low enough to diagnose AIDS.

There are numerous HIV-related opportunistic infections. Two examples include pneumocystis pneumonia (a fungal infection in your lungs) and cryptococcal meningitis (inflammation around your brain).

You may also develop an opportunistic disease as a result of HIV, such as a cancer like Kaposi’s sarcoma, or hepatitis, which may lead to cancer.

What symptoms does AIDS cause?

Each opportunistic infection and disease has unique symptoms. For example, pneumocystis pneumonia typically causes a cough, difficulty breathing, chest pain, chills, and fatigue. Cryptococcal meningitis causes headaches, a fever, neck pain, nausea, and confusion.

Kaposi’s sarcoma begins in the cells lining your lymph and blood vessels and causes pink, purple, red, or brown lesions on your skin and inside your mouth. 

As a group, HIV-related infections commonly cause a range of symptoms, including:

  • Cold sweats
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Diarrhea
  • Weakness
  • Weight loss
  • Swollen lymph glands
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Skin rashes or bumps
  • White spots or other lesions on your tongue or in your mouth

You could also develop an opportunistic infection affecting your eyes, digestive tract, and other internal organs.

How is AIDS treated?

The experienced HealthyClinic.me team develops an integrative treatment plan. They focus on treating HIV, prescribing medications for your specific infection or disease, and strengthening your immune system. 

HIV treatment, called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), combines several drugs that lower your viral load, stop the virus from duplicating, and prevent immune damage. In some cases, HAART may be all you need to control Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions.

Starting HAART at an early HIV stage prevents AIDS, and taking HAART after AIDS develops can be lifesaving. 

Call HealthyClinic.me or book online today to get expert treatment for AIDS.